
Criteria for acceptability

Performance of the CSIS

Performance of the TSIS

Item analysis/ reduction

All items should have factor loadings > .30

Factor loadings range .49 to .86

Factor loadings range .77 to .90

Missing data < 5%

No missing data

No missing data

Inter-item correlations < .75

Inter-item correlations range .47 to .72

Inter-item correlations range .63 to .73

Item total correlations ≥ .25

Item total correlations range .50 to .83

Item total correlations range .70 to .89

Maximum endorsement frequency < 80%

Maximum endorsement frequency = 61%

Maximum endorsement frequency = 55%

Minimum adjacent endorsement > 10%

Minimum adjacent endorsement = 11.6%

Minimum adjacent endorsement = 17.4%


Skewness values < 1

Maximum skewness .91

Maximum skewness .83

Missing data < 5%

No missing data

No missing data


Cronbach Alpha > .70

Cronbach Alphas .88

Cronbach Alpha .97

Item total correlations ≥ .20

Item total correlations range .48 to .71

Item total correlations range .65 to .90